Thursday, February 7, 2019

10 Kid Friendly Valentine's Day Crafts

What is it about Valentine's Day that just screams "MAKE ME!"? I always get into the DIY spirit for this holiday. I know I love handmade gifts all the time, but there's something truly special about a handmade Valentine. Below you'll find 10 Valentine's Day crafts that you can make with your little ones to celebrate the holiday.

1) Tulip in a Heart Card from Easy Peasy and Fun
This year while shopping for Valentine's Day cards, I noticed that some of the cute pop-up ones can cost between $7-$15! You can save money and keep the wow factor by making your own tulip card following these simple instructions. Older elementary school kids should have no trouble making these (with adult supervision of course).

2) Valentine's Day Slime from Little Bins for Little Hands
If you have children under the age of 18, then you probably know that slime is THE hot commodity. Kids love making their own and showing off their latest slime creations so why not put a Valentine's Day spin on it with this craft? Your kids will be obsessed!

3) Heart Puzzle Piece Wreath from A Few Shortcuts
Chances are you have a puzzle hidden in a closet somewhere at this very moment. They're fun to put together on a rainy day, but don't have much replay value. Now you can up-cycle them into an adorable holiday wreath. It's as simple as paint, position, and glue! Try painting the pieces different colors and you can make puzzle wreaths for every holiday.

4) Paper Plate Valentine's Day Owls from Artsy Momma
Whooooo's ready for a cute little craft? This owl would be a great elementary classroom project for Valentine's Day. Even the littlest hands can enjoy creating their own Valentine's Day themed owl using simple materials and patterned paper.

5) Pom Pom Valentine Monsters from Crafts Unleashed
How cute are these little guys?! With little more than some yarn and googly eyes, your kids can create their very own Valentine monsters. While an actual pom pom maker is nice to have, it's unnecessary- a piece of cardboard works just as well!

6) Cut Paper Valentine's Day Card from Woman's Day
Nothing says 'I care about you' as much as a handmade Valentine's day card! Try cutting out pieces of decorative paper and gluing on embellishments like candy hearts to really express how you feel about your loved ones. This card can be as simple or as complex as you choose!

7) DIY Valentine Necklace Kits from Non-Toy Gifts
This DIY kit is a genius idea! Give kids the necessary supplies in a cute little package and let them make their own necklaces or bracelets. The color of the beads can easily be changed up to represent any occasion. These would make excellent and affordable party favors!

8) Valentine Butterfly Treats from Crafty Morning
It's amazing what a hot glue gun and googly eyes can create! The post for these uses M&Ms, but you could use any candy that fits your occasion. I know several teachers who like to make these as gifts for their students on Valentine's Day because they're adorable and affordable.

9) Pom Pom Valentine's Card Box from Design Improvised
Valentine's Day class parties are never complete without something to collect all your Valentines in! I don't remember ever making my boxes too extravagant as a kid. It seems like kids are quite crafty these days and the fancier the box, the better! This pom pom covered heart box will definitely be the talk of the classroom. Your kiddo will need some help with the glue gun, so grab some chocolates and have fun making memories!

10) Rainbow Heart Sun-catchers from Fireflies + Mudpies
Sometimes it's the simplest ideas that you love the best. This one is a favorite of mine! Something about gluing tissue paper together brings back all my best childhood memories. These sun-catchers are beautiful when hung in the window and kids love making them because -let's face it- glue is involved!

I hope you enjoy making memories with these Valentine's Day crafts!

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